When Will Patient Access Network Have Money for Asthma Again ?


Cocky-direction interventions to reduce healthcare use and meliorate quality of life among patients with asthma: systematic review and network meta-analysis

BMJ 2020; 370 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m2521 (Published eighteen August 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m2521

Linked Opinion

Asthma can have over your life, merely the right back up makes it easier


  1. Alexander Hodkinson , presidential boyfriend1,
  2. Peter Bower , professor of health services research1,
  3. Christos Grigoroglou , postdoctoral inquiry acquaintanceane,
  4. Salwa S Zghebi , presidential fellow1,
  5. Hilary Pinnock , professor of chief intendance respiratory medicine2,
  6. Evangelos Kontopantelis , professor of information scientific discipline and wellness services researchane 3,
  7. Maria Panagioti , senior lecturer in main care and health services researchone four
  1. 1National Institute for Wellness Research Schoolhouse for Primary Care Inquiry, Manchester Academic Health Science Middle, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
  2. 2Asthma U.k. Eye for Applied Research, Conductor Institute, Academy of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
  3. 3Faculty of Biology, Medicine & Health, Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences, Academy of Manchester, Manchester, UK
  4. 4National Institute for Health Research Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre, Sectionalization of Population Wellness, Health Services Research & Primary Intendance, Academy of Manchester, Manchester, UK
  1. Correspondence to: A Hodkinson ​ alexander.hodkinson{at}manchester.ac.uk (or @drAlexHodkinson on Twitter)
  • Accepted ix June 2020


Objective To compare the different cocky-management models (multidisciplinary case management, regularly supported cocky-management, and minimally supported self-management) and cocky-monitoring models against usual care and instruction to determine which are virtually effective at reducing healthcare use and improving quality of life in asthma.

Design Systematic review and network meta-assay.

Data sources Medline, the Cochrane Library, CINAHL, EconLit, Embase, Health Economics Evaluations Database, NHS Economic Evaluation Database, PsycINFO, and ClinicalTrials.gov from January 2000 to April 2019.

Review methods Randomised controlled trials involving the different self-direction models for asthma were included. The primary outcomes were healthcare use (infirmary admission or emergency visit) and quality of life. Summary standardised mean differences (SMDs) and 95% credible intervals were estimated using bayesian network meta-assay with random furnishings. Heterogeneity and publication bias were assessed.

Results From 1178 citations, 105 trials comprising 27 767 participants were included. In terms of healthcare use, both multidisciplinary instance management (SMD –0.18, 95% credible interval −0.32 to −0.05) and regularly supported self-management (–0.30, −0.46 to −0.15) were significantly improve than usual care. For quality of life, just regularly supported self-management (SMD 0.54, 0.xi to 0.96) showed a statistically meaning benefit compared with usual care. For trials including adolescents/children (historic period 5-18 years), only regularly supported self-management showed statistically meaning benefits (healthcare use: SMD –0.21, −0.40 to −0.03; quality of life: 0.23, 0.03 to 0.48). Multidisciplinary instance management (SMD –0.32, −0.l to −0.16) and regularly supported self-management (–0.32, −0.53 to −0.11) were nigh effective at reducing healthcare utilise in patients with symptoms of severe asthma at baseline.

Conclusions This network meta-analysis indicates that regularly supported self-direction reduces the utilise of healthcare resource and improves quality of life across all levels of asthma severity. Future healthcare investments should provide support that offer reviews totalling at least two hours to found self-management skills, reserving multidisciplinary case management for patients with complex disease.

Systematic review registration PROSPERO number CRD42019121350.



Asthma is a major source of global economical burden that affects more than 330 million people worldwide (6 one thousand thousand people in the UK and 25 one thousand thousand in the US),1 causing 250 000 deaths each year.2 Although the number of deaths has decreased with the regular employ of inhaled glucocorticoids, the global bear upon remains high.3 The number of people worldwide who will accept asthma past 2025 is now estimated at more than 400 million.4

The existing bear witness indicates that simply providing information to patients is ineffective in improving asthma care.5 Over the past 25 years,6 international guidelines such as those from the Global Initiative for Asthma and the British Thoracic Society/Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network take recommended the use of self-management interventions for people with asthma.789 A self-direction intervention has been broadly defined as "an intervention primarily designed to develop the abilities of patients to undertake direction of health conditions through education, training and back up to develop patient knowledge, skills or psychological and social resources."x Informed by Gibson 2002, which defined "optimal cocky-management" as including a written action plan for self-management of drugs for exacerbations, together with self-monitoring and regular medical review,5 guidelines utilize terminology such every bit "supported" and "guided."78 However, different interventions involve varying levels of review by healthcare professionals, and no bear witness exists to guide what level of support is needed for an intervention to be effective. Three broad models of self-management intervention can be described (what we accept described as minimally supported self-direction, regularly supported self-management, and multidisciplinary case direction), each reflecting an increasing degree of back up by regular review from health professionals. Alternatives to self-management interventions include cocky-monitoring models, which involve delivery by telehealth and smartphone applications and do non involve professional review or advice on self-management deportment (table 1).

Table 1

Interventions models (three self-direction, one cocky-monitoring) and comparator groups, with descriptions

Understanding the relative advantages of these different models of cocky-management intervention is of import, specially every bit dissimilar models may be more or less amenable to wider implementation. A key factor that could determine implementation of self-direction interventions for asthma at calibration is the caste of interest by health professionals needed. The balance between the amount of (expensive) health professional support and the potential savings in terms of unscheduled care will be a major driver of cost and of the scope for delivery (as virtually healthcare systems face major workforce shortages). The benefits of different self-management interventions may too interact with patient related factors such as age (given the prevalence of asthma in children) and severity of asthma. For example, more complex self-direction interventions (that is, multidisciplinary case management) might be best suited to patients with more severe symptoms.eleven

Several systematic reviews accept examined the effectiveness and efficiency of self-management interventions for asthma. The largest of these is the PRISMS (Applied systematic Review of Self-Management Support for asthma) study,1213 a meta-review involving 27 systematic reviews. PRISMS showed that self-direction interventions were associated with fewer hospital admissions and greater health related quality of life in people with asthma.thirteen Withal, despite the 244 randomised controlled trials reviewed equally role of PRISMS, no guidance exists as to the most efficient models of self-management interventions for asthma.14 The study authors highlighted the need to overcome this major limitation in a more robust meta-analysis.fifteen

Comparing the effects of dissimilar self-management intervention models in a precise manner would give amend insight into which models or combinations of models are optimal in terms of furnishings on health outcomes and healthcare use.xvi Network meta-assay has a distinct advantage over conventional meta-analysis, every bit it allows dissimilar intervention models to be evaluated both directly and indirectly, providing a more than comprehensive analysis of evidence. This study aims to compare the furnishings of unlike models of self-direction intervention for managing asthma in adults and children and to inform policymakers in their decisions about which models are best suited to widespread implementation.


Search methods

We searched bibliographic databases from January 2000 to April 2022 (with no language restriction) in the Cochrane Primal Annals of Controlled Trials (Cardinal), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL), EconLit (the American Economic Association'due south electronic bibliography), Embase, Health Economics Evaluations Database, Medline (the United states National Library of Medicine'due south database), Medline In-Process and Other Not-Indexed Citations, NHS Economical Evaluation Database (NHS EED), and PsycINFO (the behavioural science and mental wellness database). We aimed to include all relevant studies of self-management interventions but focused our search on studies after 2000, as this was just before the highly influential Cochrane review that defined optimal self-direction as including an action plan and existence supported by regular professional review.5 In addition, it coincided with growing policy interest in cocky-management equally a strategy for managing the increasing burden of long term atmospheric condition.17 Nosotros used combinations of MeSH terms and text words around "cocky-direction interventions" and "asthma". The total search strategy is available in supplementary appendix 1. Boosted studies came from screening the reference lists of included trials and previous systematic reviews. We also contacted experts in the field to ask well-nigh unpublished studies and searched trial registers (ClinicalTrials.gov, ISCTRN, the WHO ICTRP portal, and OpenTrials.net) to identify any unpublished or ongoing trials.

Eligibility criteria

Studies of patients with asthma including adults (19-59 years), adolescents (13-18 years), or children (5-12 years) were eligible. We excluded studies involving children nether 5 years of historic period, as self-direction interventions are generally not effective in these populations,8 and nosotros excluded people diagnosed as having chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or other respiratory conditions.

Nosotros categorised the cocky-management interventions into iii types reflecting varying degrees of back up and regular review by wellness professionals: multidisciplinary case management involving action planning; regularly supported self-direction, which involves a total of more ii hours of support at regular intervals; and minimally supported self-management, which involves less than two hours of consultation over the course of the self-direction intervention (table one). We included all formats and delivery methods (for example, group or private, face-to-confront or remote, professional or peer led).

More than than a third of the trials included in PRISMS enhanced usual care by providing some "didactics" to the command group. This implies that potentially valuable directly comparisons of different models of cocky-management support are excluded from the bear witness base of operations. Nosotros therefore characterised comparator groups equally either usual care or education (table 1).

Principal outcomes were healthcare use (such as hospital access, blow and emergency visits) and quality of life (illness specific—that is, Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire, St Georges Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Asthma Symptoms Scale10; or generic—that is, SF-36 or ED-2Q)). The secondary outcome was total price (covering consultation and primary care). Nosotros excluded studies if they had not included either of the two primary outcomes.

We included individual or cluster randomised controlled trials evaluating the use of self-management interventions. We excluded observational, cross sectional, or qualitative studies.

Information collection and extraction

4 contained reviewers (AH, MP, SSZ, and CG) worked in pairs to screen publications and extract data. They used a modified version of the Cochrane Public Health Group'due south data extraction template,18 afterwards pilot testing information technology on v studies to ensure reliability. Data extractions allow for arm level, contrast level (mean divergence, odds ratio), and dichotomous data, with the latter transformed into furnishings on a continuous calibration by using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software package.1920

Assessment of take a chance of bias

The same four reviewers assessed take chances of bias for each study by using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool.21 For cluster randomised controlled trials, they consulted the Cochrane Handbook department xvi.3.2 and the revised Risk of Bias tool (version ii.0).2223 Additionally, we assessed the certainty of evidence contributing to network estimates of the main outcomes with the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (Course) framework.24

Data synthesis

Nosotros firstly did pairwise meta-analyses with the DerSimonian-Laird random effects method.25 We calculated standardised mean differences or upshot sizes by using Hedges' one thousand and interpreted them according to Cohen's criteria.2627 Nosotros presented pooled effect results with 95% confidence intervals and used forest plots with I2 (with test based 95% confidence intervals)28 to brandish statistical heterogeneity.

Nosotros then synthesised the study effect sizes by using a network meta-analysis, which allowed for the simultaneous evaluation of our four intervention models while preserving the within report randomisation.29 To ensure transitivity within the network, we categorised all models of cocky-management intervention, cocky-monitoring, and usual care comparators into nodes and compared the distribution of clinical and methodological variables.30 Nosotros used a bayesian, random effects, network meta-analysis model with a normal likelihood for both outcomes. Nosotros accounted for the correlations induced past multigroup studies by using multivariate distributions. We considered the variance in the random effects distribution (heterogeneity variance (τ)) to measure the extent of the influence of variability beyond and within studies on handling effects. To assess the amount of heterogeneity, we compared the posterior distribution of the estimated heterogeneity variance with its predictive distribution. To rank the treatments for each effect, we used the surface under the cumulative ranking bend (SUCRA) and the P score, a frequentist analogue to SUCRA.31 We statistically evaluated consistency (that is, the understanding between straight and indirect evidence), first with the "loop specific" approach and then by separating out direct evidence from indirect evidence by using node splitting.3233 We used Cochran's Q statistic to calculate consistency throughout the entire network.34

We did meta-regressions on both outcomes involving all studies to assess the effects of important covariates. The covariates included in the regression models were length of intervention (≥12 months v <12 months), method of delivery (contiguous, telecommunication/website based, pure self-regulation, or mixed), provider (physicians or allied health professionals (that is, nurses, health trainers, or community workers)), healthcare setting (master intendance or domicile/schoolhouse based), age group (adults, adolescents, or children), sex, and severity of asthma at baseline (severe persistent or non-severe (moderate/balmy persistent or balmy intermittent)) in accordance with the widely accepted classifications of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Found's National Asthma Teaching and Prevention Program.35 We assessed goodness of fit for each model by comparison total residual deviance and deviance information criterion. On the basis of the models with best fit, we and so did a covariate adapted network meta-analysis.36

We fitted all models in OpenBUGS (version three.two.3),37 using uninformative prior distributions for the treatment effects and a minimally informative prior distribution for common heterogeneity standard deviation. We assumed uninformative priors (that is, Northward(0,1000)) for all meta-regression coefficients. We ensured model convergence by visual inspection of three Markov Concatenation Monte Carlo chains after considering the Brooks-Gelman-Rubin diagnostic and autocorrelation plots. Statistical evaluation of inconsistency and production of network graphs and result figures used the "netmeta" package in R (version 3.4.3)38 and the "network" and "network graph"39 packages in Stata (version 15.0). Nosotros duplicated network meta-analysis of both outcomes in a frequentist surroundings past using the netmeta package in R. Nosotros investigated publication bias with comparison adjusted funnel plots. The statistical code for the network models is bachelor at the cease of the supplementary appendix.

The study was conducted in accordance with the Cochrane Handbook22 and was registered with PROSPERO (registration number CRD42019121350). Reporting was consistent with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA)40 extension statement for network meta-analyses.41

Patient and public interest

We consulted a grouping of 20 patient partners who were members of an established patient and public involvement group almost the appropriateness of our research questions, classification of the four self-management interventions, and option of the outcome measures of this study. Patient partners advised on the interpretation of our findings and their dissemination.


The search retrieved 1178 references. Subsequently full text screening of 224 studies, 105 randomised controlled trials (comprising 27 767 participants) done betwixt 2000 and 2022 met our inclusion criteria: threescore studies involving sixteen 080 adults and 45 involving 11 687 adolescents or children (fig ane). Supplementary appendix ii lists the included studies, and supplementary appendix iii summarises their characteristics.

Characteristics of included studies

In total, 15 693 participants were randomly assigned to 1 of the three self-management interventions; 1365 were compared with cocky-monitoring, 6640 with usual care, and 4069 with education. The median sample size was 173 (range fourscore-271) participants. In the studies involving adults, the median age was 46 (range 17-73) years, and in studies involving adolescents/children it was xiv (5-18) years. The sex activity balance reflected the known age-sexual activity characteristics of asthma; 35 (78%) studies in adolescents/children involved mostly male patients, in dissimilarity to the studies in adults, which by and large (n=42; seventy%) involved female person patients. The four intervention models were delivered in primary care in 74 studies (70%), whereas 26 (25%) studies were schoolhouse or habitation based programmes and five (5%) were hospital based. Forty nine (47%) studies recruited patients in Due north America and 31 (30%) in Europe. Severity of asthma at baseline was evenly distributed across studies, with 40 (38%) studies reporting mostly severe illness and 58 (55%) reporting more often than not mild to moderate disease; the seven (7%) remaining studies did not report whatsoever data on severity.

Regularly supported self-management was the near common self-management intervention model (n=54 trials), followed past multidisciplinary case management (n=36). Interventions were delivered either by physicians (n=41) or by allied health professionals such as nurses, health trainers, or customs workers (n=64). In more half of the studies, the commitment of the intervention was face to face (n=57). Others were done by telehealth (n=29) or were unsupervised after initial preparation (n=nineteen). The uptake of the intervention was high (median 85%, range 76-93%), and this was consistent over a median report length of eight months (range 15 days to five years).

Assessment of risk of bias

The quality of the studies varied equally shown in supplementary appendix 4. Fifty six (53%) studies had a low risk of bias for the random sequence generation, and 30 (29%) showed depression risk for allocation concealment. Similarly, for blinding of upshot assessment, 46 (44%) studies showed a depression risk of bias, with 16 (15%) studies having high adventure for this domain. Criteria for incomplete effect data showed 55 (52%) studies at low take chances, with 22 (21%) studies having loftier risk. In 79 (75%) of the studies, risk of selective reporting bias was considered to be low, with only six (6%) studies having a high risk of bias.

Network meta-analysis

Figure 2 shows the network of eligible comparisons for the principal outcomes involving all trials. The network of evidence included 11 three-arm studies; the rest were two-arm studies. Regularly supported cocky-direction was directly compared with multidisciplinary case management once in the network.

Fig 2

Fig 2

Network meta-analysis of eligible comparisons for healthcare use (top) and quality of life (bottom), showing total number of direct comparisons for each intervention pair. CM=multidisciplinary case direction; East=didactics; MSM=minimally supported self-management; RSM=regularly supported self-direction; SM=self-monitoring; UC=usual care

Inconstancy analysis

We plant evidence of statistical inconsistency in 1 of the loops within the networks for quality of life (supplementary appendix v). Closer inspection through node splitting analysis showed pregnant inconsistency owing to one comparison of regularly supported self-management against usual care (z=–two.56; P=0.01) for healthcare utilize; this was because 1 report was at high chance of bias due to missing data.42 For quality of life, both multidisciplinary case management (z=2.32; P=0.02) and regularly supported self-management (z=–1.97; P=0.05) showed inconsistency when compared against the pedagogy grouping. This was due to one study that had used a quality of life scale that was not based solely on the assessment of asthma and another that reported a significant mean asthma severity baseline imbalance score in the self-management intervention arm, which was considerably lower than the usual care group.4344 Considering consistency (transitivity) is a cardinal assumption of network meta-analysis, we removed all three trials leaving 102 randomised controlled trials for both outcomes.

Master and secondary outcomes

Figure 3 shows the network meta-analysis results for the principal outcomes of all eligible trials after the inconstancy analysis. In terms of healthcare use, multidisciplinary case management (standardised mean deviation –0.18, 95% credible interval −0.32 to −0.05; n=xiii, direct only) and regularly supported self-management (–0.30, −0.46 to −0.15; n=14) showed statistically meaning benefits compared with usual care. Similarly, regularly supported self-direction showed a significant increase in quality of life compared with usual care (standardised mean deviation 0.54, 0.11 to 0.96; n=18). The pairwise meta-analysis results for the primary outcomes were consistent with the network meta-analysis results (supplementary appendix 6). For the secondary upshot (costs; supplementary appendix 6), we institute no differences in the pairwise results between the four intervention models (standardised mean difference 0.27, −0.47 to 1.twenty; n=x).

Fig 3

Fig iii

Forest plots of network meta-analysis of all trials for healthcare utilise and quality of life. Intervention models were compared with usual care equally reference control. CrI=credible interval; SMD=standardised mean deviation; T=number of direct comparisons

The surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA) as well supported the network meta-analysis results by showing the all-time ranking treatment as regularly supported self-management for healthcare use (97.9%) and for quality of life (89.5%), followed by multidisciplinary case management (supplementary appendix 7). Consistent with the main results, regularly supported self-management was the best performing intervention model for both outcomes compared with usual care in the subgroup of studies involving but adolescents/children (fig four).

Fig 4

Fig 4

Head-to-head comparisons for healthcare utilize (orangish) and quality of life (blue) of all four intervention models. Network meta-analysis results including all studies (top) and simply studies of adolescents or children (bottom). Interventions are reported in alphabetical order. Data are standardised mean differences (95% credible intervals) in column-defining treatment compared with row-defining treatment. CM=multidisciplinary case management; E=education; MSM=minimally supported self-management; RSM=regularly supported cocky-management; SM=self-monitoring; UC=usual care. *Moderate quality of evidence (according to GRADE). †Low quality of evidence (Course). ‡Very low quality of evidence (GRADE)

The league table showing the results of the network meta-assay comparing the effects of all models (fig four) showed that regularly supported self-management and multidisciplinary case management were the most constructive intervention models for both outcomes. To ensure the certainty of bear witness for each head-to-caput comparing, nosotros incorporated the Form judgments into the effigy. The show according to GRADE was moderate overall (supplementary appendix 8). All direct comparisons with regularly supported self-management and multidisciplinary instance direction were highly reliable, with moderately graded quality of prove. Adjusted funnel plots are provided in supplementary appendix ix.

Meta-regressions and adjusted assay

The median heterogeneity variances were low for healthcare use (τ=0.15, 95% credible interval 0.07 to 0.24) and high for quality of life (τ=ane.02, 0.84 to 1.23) (supplementary appendix ten). Severity at baseline was the strongest explanation of heterogeneity and inconsistency in meta-regression analyses (supplementary appendix eleven). Exclusion of studies mainly involving patients with non-severe asthma at baseline resulted in a 32% reduction in heterogeneity for healthcare apply and a 26% reduction for quality of life. Patients' historic period showed an effect of reducing heterogeneity past xi% for healthcare use and ten% for quality of life when simply studies involving developed patients were included. Furthermore, including merely patients followed upward for more than 12 months reduced heterogeneity by viii% for healthcare employ and four% for quality of life. The healthcare setting had no effect on the heterogeneity in either network.

Figure 5 shows the covariate adapted network analysis for asthma severity. The network meta-assay results showed that both regular supported self-management (standardised mean difference –0.32, −0.53 to 0.xi) and multidisciplinary case management (–0.32, −0.50 to −0.16) were meaning for healthcare apply in studies involving patients with more astringent symptoms of asthma (supplementary appendix 12). Regularly supported self-management besides showed significant benefits in patients with less severe symptoms of asthma (standardised hateful difference –0.28, −0.48 to −0.09), but multidisciplinary case management did not.

Fig 5

Fig 5

Network graph and forest plot of network meta-analysis of healthcare use after adjustment for severity of asthma at baseline. CrI=apparent interval; CM=multidisciplinary instance management; E=educational activity; MSM=minimally supported cocky-direction; NS=trials in patients with balmy to moderate asthma; RSM=regularly supported cocky-management; S=trials in patients with severe asthma; SM=self-monitoring; SMD=standardised hateful difference; T=number of studies providing directly evidence


This is the largest and most comprehensive meta-analysis assessing the effects of different levels of professional support for self-management of asthma in children and adults. Regularly supported cocky-management (which involves more than two hours of support) was more effective than all other models when compared against usual care. This model showed the greatest reduction in healthcare employ while achieving the greatest gains in quality of life among all patients with asthma. This was particularly true in patients with mild to moderate symptoms of asthma. Multidisciplinary example management interventions besides showed a significant reduction in healthcare apply compared with usual care, just only in patients with astringent asthma. However, this improved operation was modest compared with regularly supported self-management.

Consequent with these principal results including all studies, regularly supported self-management was again the all-time performing intervention model for both outcomes when compared with usual care in studies involving simply adolescents or children. The severity of asthma was the only factor that moderated these effects. Later nosotros controlled for baseline asthma severity in the analyses, regularly supported self-management significantly reduced healthcare utilize beyond all patients irrespective of the severity of their asthma symptoms, whereas multidisciplinary example direction was significantly effective just at reducing healthcare use in studies involving children and adolescents with more severe asthma. Other factors such as length of intervention, healthcare setting, and sex did non influence the effects of the intervention models.

Comparison with similar inquiry

The results of this study are in line with PRISMS and the Cochrane review,513 which both assessed whether supported asthma self-management reduces the use of healthcare resource and improves asthma command. Yet, the PRISMS researchers did non synthesise the main outcomes in a meta-analyses and did not explore dissimilar levels of support within the interventions.xiii The Cochrane review,5 published most two decades agone in 2003, assessed asthma cocky-management programmes coupled with review by health practitioners just did not qualify review past hours of support as we have done. Our more up to engagement analysis has identified that 2 hours of support maximises the benefit to patients and healthcare systems.

Reductions in healthcare use were generally larger in adults than in children or adolescents, although this difference was not meaning. Testify suggests that technology based programmes might entreatment to adolescents,45 and innovative school based programmes (which this review did not include) could have value in supporting children as they acquire to accept over self-direction responsibilities from their parents or carers.46

Strengths and weaknesses of study

Our review provides the largest bear witness base of individual randomised controlled trials obtained through exhaustive searches for published and unpublished information. The results are much more precise than those of other meta-analyses, non just because of the larger quantity of data from a greater volume of asthma trials, but because we as well applied the GRADE assessment criteria to increase the methodological rigour of the testify and because nosotros have looked more extensively at several methodological factors relating to primal interventional features (length of the intervention, delivery, personnel, uptake, and healthcare setting) and participants' demographics (age, sex, and severity of asthma) that have non been assessed previously.

Our review has some limitations. We searched for studies published after 2000, because shortly after this the concept of supported cocky-management was clearly articulated in the Gibson Cochrane review.5 This also coincides with the growing interest in cocky-management as a strategy for managing long term weather condition.17 More than fifty% of the trials did non report adequate information about randomisation, allocation concealment, and blinding, which could restrict the estimation of these results. Nosotros contacted authors to ostend any unclear hazard of bias fields or missing data, but only xi% responded. We as well included but studies with amenable data for at least one of the 2 primary outcomes, meaning that six studies had to be excluded from this review considering data for the primary outcomes were not bachelor.

One force of our analysis was that we adjusted for the severity of asthma at baseline in the model. However, the verbal severity classifications were non e'er clearly divers, so we had to rely on pre-specified inclusion criteria as defined in the master written report reports. Nosotros were also unable to include two covariates (method of delivery and provider of intervention) in the meta-regression analysis. This was because we could non categorise them reliably into groups. We therefore provided a descriptive summary for each instead. Furthermore, long term follow-upward of patients upwards to 12 months or longer, based on the primary outcomes, was rarely reported amid the included studies, with only eleven% providing data. Without these information, the efficacy of the different models over fourth dimension remains relatively unknown.

The costs of self-management interventions were assessed in a previous review,47 only only nine trials (involving patients with any respiratory condition) were identified and the results showed no difference in costs between multidisciplinary instance management and cocky-direction. We were unable to assess this reliably across the four unlike intervention models, as only 10 studies provided price data amenable to analysis. Nosotros have explored different models of cocky-management intervention that involve varying professional person input (and thus different direct handling costs), and we have explored their effects on healthcare apply. These are not comprehensive analyses of costs, notwithstanding, and we recommend that these data are reported in time to come inquiry to let proper economic analyses to be carried out. Furthermore, we did not investigate intervention related and participant demographic related modifiers of handling response at the individual patient level. However, contempo inquiry suggests that evaluating self-management interventions in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease through individual patient data meta-assay is problematic owing to poor reporting of the characteristics of interventions and patients.48

Implications in practise

Guidelines for asthma management in the UK, such as those of the National Institute for Health and Intendance Excellence (November 2017)49 and the British Thoracic Guild/Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network 2019,eight and the recent written report by the Global Initiative for Asthma 2019,7 recommend the use of "supported self-direction" programmes comprising an activity program and regular review. Our findings endorse the cardinal function of healthcare professionals in supporting people with asthma to self-manage their condition and, for the first time, clarify optimal levels of support. We constitute that trials that provide scheduled follow-up totalling at to the lowest degree two hours' contact with a healthcare professional during the trial period were more constructive at reducing healthcare use and improving quality of life than were interventions offering fewer, ad hoc reviews.

We offer practical guidance for clinical practise. An initial self-management discussion should be reinforced in regular reviews, enabling the action plan to be antiseptic, revised, or both. This is not the remit of any unmarried healthcare professional; physicians, nurses, asthma educators, and community workers were all involved in delivering interventions in the included studies. Although one professional may accept a pb and provide the initial education, all those involved in reviewing people with asthma tin can contribute incrementally to the ii hours of support that our findings advise is optimal. This volition require a squad approach so that (for example) the physician managing an astute attack tin endorse the action plan provided by an asthma educator by asking the patient about their deportment before seeking medical advice. Organisational strategies will be needed to ensure routine follow-upwardly.

The resource implications will depend on whether this level of back up needs to be sustained afterwards the initial program is complete. Time limited randomised controlled trials cannot answer this question, but qualitative studies testify that patients larn experientially to cope with their variable symptoms and highlight the importance of providing self-direction education at the point of diagnosis to establish appropriate practise from the outset.50 Once established, the support can probably exist less intense, with the caveat that an acute set on should be seen equally a reminder to review cocky-direction skills formally.

The investment of time in supporting people to develop self-direction skills is offset by fourth dimension saved in providing astute care, and our findings suggest that for most people with mild to moderate asthma, regularly supported cocky-management is appropriate. The additional resources needed for multidisciplinary case management may be warranted in patients with more than severe asthma and complex health issues.

Understanding the action to take if asthma deteriorates is a core component of supported self-management of a variable status such as asthma.51 Our finding that self-monitoring as an isolated intervention was ineffective raises concerns almost the plethora of available smartphone applications enabling logging of symptoms or peak flows but with no advice on how to respond to deterioration.52 Only a few of the available applications attach to the legislative requirements so that they tin can link monitoring to personalised deportment recommended past the patient'due south healthcare adviser.

For three decades, guidelines take recommended written action plans equally a device for summarising the self-management discussion between the patient and their professional adviser. Not all the randomised controlled trials included in our analysis used written action plans to reinforce advice in their self-management interventions. The format in which information is given to patients is non necessarily the crucial component, equally long as the actions to be taken if asthma deteriorates are discussed, understood, agreed, and reinforced regularly. Crucially, information on managing an unexpected acute result needs to be bachelor for reference when the attack arises (whether written, digital, online, or whatever medium is most user-friendly). A copy stored on the patient's electronic wellness record would help to ensure consistency in communication from different professionals.

Implementation remains challenging. Pressures of time, organisational barriers,53 and the demand to develop professional person skills,54 as well equally negative views about the usefulness of action plans,555657 are barriers to adoption of supported cocky-management into routine clinical practice. Our findings suggest that initiatives that facilitate regular review (including mobile telephone and internet interventions),58 ensure that reviews are advisable (for case, to cultural needs),59 or involve not-medical or peer support60 may offer promise for time to come implementation and enquiry endeavours.61


Our findings not only confirm the clinical benefit of supported cocky-management for adults, adolescents, and children with asthma but provide practical guidance for models of service that are likely to be effective. Future research and policy investments should focus on implementing regularly supported self-direction offering regular reviews totalling at least 2 hours to establish self-management skills. This investment in time is offset by a reduction in unscheduled healthcare utilize. Multidisciplinary example management should be reserved for patients with circuitous disease. Our assay thus brings clarity to the back up needed for effective asthma cocky-management, which will inform guidelines, influence policy based decisions, and enable healthcare professionals and managers to optimise cocky-direction programmes to realise the potential benefits for people living with asthma.

What is already known on this topic

  • Over the by 3 decades, international guidelines take recommended the employ of supported cocky-management interventions for people with asthma

  • However, unlike self-management interventions for asthma involve varying levels of support and review from healthcare professionals and accept varying delivery modes

  • Considerable incertitude remains most which of these different cocky-management interventions for asthma are most effective

What this study adds

  • Support involving regular reviews totalling at least 2 hours was effective at establishing cocky-management skills and significantly better than usual care at reducing healthcare apply

  • Multidisciplinary instance management should be reserved for patients with circuitous disease

  • Unsupported, or minimally supported, self-management programmes were not constructive


Nosotros thank the Evidence Synthesis-Working Group at the National Institute for Wellness Enquiry (NIHR) School for Primary Intendance Research who are funding this project and time to come ongoing piece of work. We also thank the PRISMS team (primary investigators: Stephanie Taylor, HP, and Luke Daines), who provided the list of eligible studies from their meta-review. This publication presents independent research funded by the NIHR Schoolhouse for Master Care Research Project 390. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.


  • Contributors: MP, EK, and Atomic number 82 had the initial research idea and obtained funding for this study. AH, MP, EK, and Lead formulated the research questions and designed the study. AH searched for published work, selected articles, extracted and analysed information, and drafted the protocol and manuscript. MP, SSZ, and CG helped with searching for articles and data selection and extraction. MP substantially contributed to designing the searches and the statistical assay programme, writing the manuscript, and interpreting the findings. EK, PB, and HP essentially contributed to the manuscript by providing review comments and edits. All authors have read and canonical the final manuscript. The corresponding author attests that all listed authors meet authorship criteria and that no others meeting the criteria accept been omitted. AH is the guarantor.

  • Funding: This study is funded by the Evidence Synthesis Working Group (project 390), which is supported by the NIHR School for Main Care Research. The NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre has partly funded the time of MP. The research squad members were independent from the funding agencies. The views expressed in this manuscript are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health. The research squad members were independent from the funding agencies. The funders had no role in the pattern and comport of the written report; the drove, management, assay, and interpretation of the data; and the grooming, review, or approving of the manuscript.

  • Competing interests: All authors take completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure class at www.icmje.org/coi_disclosure.pdf and declare: funding support from the Evidence Synthesis Working Grouping (project 390), NIHR School for Primary Care Research, and NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Enquiry Centre for the submitted work; no fiscal relationships with any organisations that might take an interest in the submitted work in the previous three years; no other relationships or activities that could announced to have influenced the submitted work.

  • Ethical approving: Not required.

  • Information sharing: All summary level data are bachelor from https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/hkkptmkyw4/1, and the statistical code is provided at the end of the supplementary appendix.

  • The lead author (the manuscript's guarantor) affirms that the manuscript is an honest, accurate, and transparent account of the written report beingness reported; that no important aspects of the study have been omitted; and that whatever discrepancies from the written report every bit planned (and, if relevant, registered) accept been explained.

  • Dissemination to participants and related patient and public communities: Dissemination of this enquiry will be done at the Health Services Research UK conference in July 2022 (https://hsruk.org/conference-2020), and though a printing release from the Academy of Manchester and the Conductor Found at the University of Edinburgh, social media and twitter, and charities including Asthma Britain and the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research.


View Abstract


Source: https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m2521

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